(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

First Steps Child Care Volunteer NEEDED

Centre for Young Parents
February 3, 2025
9625 Prairie Road, Grande Prairie
Area of Interest
Time Commitment
3 hours, 1x/week (Morning shifts are 9:00am-noon, Afternoon Shifts are 12:30pm-3:30pm)
Start Date
Minimum Age
Contact Name
Lisa Shoemaker
Contact Phone Number


Childcare volunteers need asap so our young moms can go to school! If you love kids and have time Monday-Thursday 9:30am-12pm or 12:30pm-3:30pm visit www.centreforyoungparents.com/get-involved

Roles & Descriptions

The requirements that must be met in order to volunteer with the Centre include, but are not limited to: 

  1. General Interview and Training Assessment 
  1. RCMP Criminal Record Check, including vulnerable sector check (must not be dated older than 6 months) 
  1. Children Services Child Intervention Screen (when working directly with children and/or teens.) (most not be dated older than 6 months) 
  1. References contacted 

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