The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (GPRAVO) is excited to present the Annual Volunteer of the Year Awards, recognizing an exceptional individual and business in the Grande Prairie region for their outstanding volunteer contributions.
History and Purpose: Launched in 2009, the Volunteer of the Year Award celebrates individuals who have made a significant impact through their volunteer efforts over the past year. In 2013, we introduced the Corporate Volunteer of the Year Award to honor businesses that have supported volunteerism and made a positive impact on non-profit organizations.

2020 Volunteer of the Year Recipients
Volunteer of the Year - Wendy Doucet

Wendy’s contribution across several organizations has made a significant impact in the community but none more so than her efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to local seniors and the elderly.
Wendy has been a volunteer with Friends of Grande Spirit for 14 years. When COVID hit Wendy immediately stepped up, translating policy into best practice; implementing public health recommendations into the fabric of everyday life for seniors, staff and visitors. Temperature checks, social distancing, masks, hygiene practice were her mantra and it saved lives. As a direct result of her work Grande Spirit Foundation did not experience the rampant spread of the disease that they so easily could have.
Wendy goes wherever she is needed to help. During Easter and Thanksgiving, she organized and delivered 300 meals to independent seniors’ homes in the area. She is working on the Christmas meal and delivery plan as we speak. Of course, to have the funds to supply these meals there are many events that must take place. Wendy tirelessly helps organize and run these events.
On Grandparents Day Wendy delivered 100’s of cupcakes to seniors, she feels our seniors deserve some pampering and she is always willing to help, driving many miles in her own personal vehicle.
As well as volunteering at Festival of Trees and Salvation Army Kettle program 3 times a week, Wendy has also volunteered for the Grande Prairie Storm, Safe Communities and any organization that may need help at Casinos of Fundraisers.
“Wendy has a huge heart and she shares it with everyone without concern, to lighten the day of so many”.
Congratulations Wendy, you make a difference and we are so proud to have you as our 2020 Volunteer of the Year.
Corporate Volunteer of the Year - Grassroots Realty Group

Community engagement for the Grassroots Realty Group is built on a company-wide policy that fosters volunteering and encourages their staff to be actively engaged in promoting volunteerism, philanthropy and giving back.
A young business in Grande Prairie, this branch started in 2017, Grassroots Realty staff are actively involved in community events entrenching their belief that the donation of employee’s skills and talents can be more valuable than a cash donation. They have organized and or participated in Art Shows, BBQ’ and fashion shows with all proceeds going to our local community organizations.
This year Grassroots has stepped up to help local organizations who are struggling as a direct result of the COVID-19 crisis. Countless hours of volunteering including fundraising has made a significant difference to help organizations stay afloat.
Also, part of their corporate business plan is the establishment of the Roots Foundation. A portion of each of their business transactions are donated to the Foundation and these funds are then used to assist the organizations in the community where each branch is located.
An annual event for this group is their 12 Days of Christmas. During this time 12 different agencies will benefit from the work and vision of this outstanding Corporate Citizen.
What makes this so inspirational is that Grass Roots has a younger demographic and that even as a new business, giving back was in the business plan.
Thank you Grassroots Realty Group and congratulations.
Outstanding Citizens in the Community
Lori Brough
Angie Crerar
Taj Johnson
Sharon McLean
Tom Pura
Karen Rosvold
Tyla Savard
Jessica Schoepp
Watch the 2020 Volunteer Awards presentation at