(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Faye Dyrkach nominated by Town of Beaverlodge FCSS

Faye Dyrkach nominated by Town of Beaverlodge FCSS

Faye Dyrkach nominated by Town of Beaverlodge FCSS

The Town of Beaverlodge FCSS nominates for Faye Dyrkach Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Faye has devoted herself for over two decades to the Beaverlodge Food Bank. She has touched or enriched the lives of others, particularly those who are vulnerable or less able to help themselves. Her commitment and dedication to helping others through the Food Bank is extraordinary. Faye puts in countless hours of service every year and goes over and above for anyone in need. Faye has encouraged and exemplified the virtue of good citizenship. She has truly inspired me to become more involved in the community, reach out to those who are not as privileged as ourselves, and share our talents with those around us in order to make a positive change in our community and our world.’