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Nancy Ingram nominated by PARDS

Nancy Ingram nominated by PARDS

Nancy Ingram nominated by PARDS

Peace Area Riding for the Disabled Society (PARDS) nominates Nancy Ingram for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Nancy volunteers in many ways at PARDS. She comes numerous days throughout the week to lead horses or sidewalk with our therapeutic riders who require support. As a retired school teacher, she has offered support with educational ideas for our Literacy Program and her playful, fun-loving nature has made our young riders in the Little Pony Motricity Program feel confident and leaving with giggles and smiles. We have joked that we should put a cot in the barn because of the time she offers to our riders; as she is usually one of the first to jump in when another volunteer is away. Thank you Nancy for your continued support ensuring PARDS riders have an enjoyable and safe lesson!’