(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com


Submit an event or find one to participate in.


Non-profits & charities click here to apply for membership.


Every action makes a difference. Every hour counts.

Tim Hortons Volunteer of the Month

Volunteer of the Month winners are awarded a $100 Gift Card from Tim Hortons! The staff and board of the GPVSB would like to thank our sponsor Tim Hortons for helping us fuel the volunteers of Grande Prairie and surrounding area.
June 2024 Volunteer of the Month

June 2024 Volunteer of the Month

The Winner of June’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Edward Sizer! Edward was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Elders Caring Shelter Society. They wrote ‘This individual is a great helper at the Elders Caring Shelter. He volunteers profusely with the Shelter to help with fundraising, yard work, and anything else we ask him to do. He also helps the community by going over to “Helping Hands” and helping them with sorting items and packaging for their clients.’

Congratulations Edward!!

Submit a Volunteer Opportunity

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (the Association) is excited to present our new Volunteer Listing! We hope to offer a better way for volunteers and organizations in our community to connect.

Not-for-Profit Organization in the Grande Prairie Region can submit new volunteer opportunities by clicking the button below.

About the Grande Prairie Regional Association for Volunteer Organizations

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (formerly known as Grande Prairie Volunteer Services Bureau) was established in 1969, and incorporated as a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency on April 12, 1983. We are a membership organization for the civic sector in the Northwest Peace Region, serving charitable and non-profit community organizations in the City and County of Grande Prairie and beyond.  Our member agencies and clients represent a broad region. They range from; small rural agricultural groups to large agencies providing services to families and individuals in distress, through to indigenous agencies, cultural agencies, sports groups, and more.

Our Core Values

We Lead

Through our activities, supporting, empowering and working in collaboration with our local organizations to advance social goals and attain the best possible future for the communities we serve.

We Understand

We have an obligation to improve the quality of life for our community members through community advocacy and by increasing and building the capacity of our local organizations through education, learning, outreach and skill-sharing.

We Value

Our local organizations and the difference they make to the quality of life for individual community members. We foster and promote their diversity and unique contributions in making a difference to local lives and issues.

We Perform

By demonstrating excellence in all aspects of our work and in the provision of service to our communities. We make and support our decisions based on the four pillars of good governance: transparency, accountability, predictability and participation.

Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events

July 2024
August 2024
September 2024
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Become a Member

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (the Association) provides advisory and support services to GPRAVO Member Agencies and the non-profit sector in Northwestern Alberta.

We work to enhance the overall management skills and opportunities of community agencies by providing support, training and professional development for their leadership and staff based on identified needs within the community.