(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week is a time in Canada to celebrate and thank volunteers.

Every year National Volunteer Week (NVW) is celebrated across Canada to thank the 24 million volunteers who give their time in support of a multitude of causes and services, and to recognize the valuable role of volunteer-supported non-profits, organizations and other initiatives.

For more information about NVW national campaign visit Volunteer Canada at https://volunteer.ca/index.php?MenuItemID=379.

2025 National Volunteer Week will take place April 27 to May 4.

National Volunteer Week 2023

Every year National Volunteer Week (NVW) is celebrated across Canada to thank the 24 million volunteers who give their time in support of multitudes of causes and services and to recognize the valuable role of volunteer-supported non-profits, organizations and other initiatives.

VolunteerGP would like to thank everyone that celebrated this year’s National Volunteer Week.

NVW Celebration Contest

Association Members were encouraged to celebrate their volunteers and organization in their own unique way this year and enter our NVW Celebration Contest to win a prize from the DownTown Association. 

To enter organizations had to nominate their Board of Directors or: 

  • Collect a Celebration Package from our office 
  • Celebrate National Volunteer Week, April 16th to 22nd, with their Staff/team/volunteers
  • Share their celebration on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tiktok
  • Tag us @VolunteerGP in their post with the Hashtag #NVW2023

Congratulations to the winner of our NVW Celebration Contest Centre for Young Parents!

Prize picked up by Heather - Centre for Young Parents’ Community Engagement Coordinator
Prize picked up by Heather - Centre for Young Parents’ Community Engagement Coordinator

National Volunteer Week 2023 Photos:

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations would like to thank the Grande Prairie DownTown Association for donating to this year’s National Volunteer Week Celebration.

Grande Prairie DownTown Association

Thank You Volunteer Board Members

Often overlooked throughout the year, the Association asked non-profit/charity Executive Directors to recognize their volunteer Board Members with our special NVW Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week. 

Nominated Board Members receive a recognition package that includes: a certificate of appreciation, a gift from Tim Hortons and public acknowledgement on our website www.volunteergrandeprairie.com and social media sites. They are also entered into April’s Volunteer of the Month draw for a chance to win a $100 Tim’s Gift Card & recognition as Volunteer of the Month!

The Board Members thanked this year are:

Game Country Archers

Game Country Archers would like to thank their board members for NVW Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Taking a moment to thank all our hardworking Board of Directors and Volunteers at Game Country Archers. Our club has some amazing people who take time each week to keep our Indoor and Outdoor ranges running smoothly throughout the year. Thank you for everything you do.’

Their board members are:

  • Mike & Lorrie Welsh
  • Glenn Bielech
  • Dean Trydal
  • Bernie Morin
  • Trevor Edwards
  • Brenda Lefebvre
  • Ashley Heft
  • Zach Randell
  • Tammy Paulovich
  • Frank Vanterve
  • Veronica Dougherty

Resource Centre for Suicide Prevention

The Resource Centre for Suicide Prevention would like to recognize the valuable contribution our volunteer Board of Directors make. Those people are:

  • Drew Pearson – President
  • Kristian Toivonen – Treasurer
  • Charlotte Bierman – Vice-President
  • Stuart Lloyd-Jones – Director
  • Doug Currie – Director
  • Heather Putio – Director
  • Michelle Scarrow-Baillie – Director
  • Dayhe Min – Director
  • Brenden Bozlovitch – Director

Peace Area Riding for the Disabled Society

Their board members are:

  • Tyla Savard – Chairperson
  • Stacey Longson – Treasurer
  • Ellen Archibald – Secretary
  • Ray Binks – Past Chairperson
  • James Rawlek – Director
  • Adrea Simmons – Director
  • Rene Blais – Director
  • Leon Gullickson – Director
  • Dorrin Diesel – Director
  • Kristen Ward – Director
  • Caitlin Lamb – Director

Peace Area Riding for the Disabled Society wrote ‘PARDS would like to recognize the dedication and engagement of our Board of Directors. The varied skills, experiences and talents represented on our Governance Board has helped the organization to grow and thrive. Your consistent attendance at monthly meetings along with participation on the various Committees of the Board that support our mission and vision are truly valuable and appreciated. Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to ensure the many community members that rely on us can continue to do so, now and far into the future.’

A Bright Beginning Child Care

A  Bright Beginning Child Care would like to thank its board members, they are:

  • Aaron Perkins – Chair/President
  • Bailee Neighbour – Director at Large
  • Caitlin Dickson – Vice Chair
  • Jacinna Taylor – Director at Large
  • Amy Monk – Director at Large
  • Jessica Gauthier – Secretary
  • Danica Demers – Treasurer
  • Cathy Johns – Director at Large
  • Amber Anderson – Director at Large

A Bright Beginning Child Care wrote ‘The Centre Educators appreciate your time to ensure Longevity and Quality care for the families that participate in our program. Thank you, is not a big enough word.’

Saskatoon Lake Agricultural Society

Saskatoon Lake Agricultural Society would like to thank its board members, they are:

  • Chanelle Schoepp – Director
  • Glory Przekop – Vice President
  • Dave Heglund – Director
  • Len Girard – Director
  • Tammy Manning – Director
  • Sue Teagart – Director
  • Gayle Martin – Secretary
  • Sherida Wanke – Director
  • Denise Miniely – Director
  • Kristy Williams – Director
  • Heather Hammonds – President

Saskatoon Lake Ag. Society wrote ‘Thank you to this hard working, eager board that is dedicated to the community and developing great family friendly events. Always pitching-in and lending a hand, many of these members have full time jobs but find time to give back to our community, can’t ask for a better group of people that work so well together.’

Mission Thrift Store

Mission Thrift Store would like to thank its board members, they are:

  • Rochelle Schamehorn
  • Andrea Dunphy
  • Herb Coates
  • Vera Robbins
  • Shirley Blimke
  • Brenda Follett

Mission Thrift Store wrote ‘Thank you for all you do for the Mission Thrift Store and the behind the scene that nobody sees, but God does, and your reward will be great.’

Care Human Services

Care Human Services would like to thank its board members, they are:

  • Alanna Dickson – President
  • Shannon Websdale
  • Dan MacNeil

They would also like to thank Former board members but served for years and just recently stepped down:

  • Gerald Loewen
  • Nicole Flaten

They wrote ‘This board has and continues to guide Care with the mission of supporting Individuals with Disabilities and Complex Needs through inclusive and diverse services. We would like to recognize their dedication and all the behind the scenes work they do. Thank you!’

Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue Association

Allison Hearn nominated by Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue Association

Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue Association nominates their board member Allison Hearn for NVW Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Allison is the President of the Board of Directors. She has been with the Bandaged Paws Animal Rescue Association for several years and is dedicated to finding the animals in need their forever homes. She leads by example and offers to help with fundraisers, adoption events and administrative support. Allison’s genuine love for animals makes her a key player in our organization.

Support the Girls

Jodie Boyne nominated by Support the Girls

Support the Girls nominates their board member Jodie Boyne for NVW Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘We would like to thank Jodie Boyne for several reasons. All that she does, she does with integrity, honesty and grace. She is always one of the first people to raise her hand when we need something done, or to run and grab something. As she is our main financial board member, she gives detailed numbers and is specific in costs. This takes extra time and allows all the board members a good view of our financial position and how we may help our community. As she also volunteers for her children’s sports, has a full-time job, and is active in her & husbands’ personal business, Jodie is extremely busy lady. She is organized in all areas and never seems to drop the ball. She is dedicated to anything she says yes to and completes the task to perfection. When dealing with complex or sensitive situations, she brings the idea forward with ease and grace and is open to anyone and everyone’s ideas. She is a valuable committee member, Thank you Jodie.’

Centre for Young Parents​

Centre for Young Parents would like to recognize its board members, they are:

  • Rhonda Reichert – Chair
  • Spenser Cunningham – Vice Chair
  • Lynn Berry-Barsaloux – Secretary
  • Aimee Savoury – Treasurer
  • Carrie Young – Director
  • Valerie Norris-Kirk – Director
  • Georgia Greenwood-Duncan – Director
  • Katrina Przybylski – Director

They wrote ‘The Centre for Young Parents wants to say thank you to our amazing Board of Directors for the time, talent, and expertise they have given to our organization. Through their participation, and dedication, they have made a difference in the lives of Young Families in Grande Prairie. Their ideas, input, and enthusiasm were most helpful and have assisted us in making valuable improvements to our programs and services. Thank you!’

The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations would like to thank Tim Hortons for sponsoring our Volunteer Recognition Program.

National Volunteer Week 2023 Proclamation
City of Grande Prairie and County of Grande Prairie Joint Proclamation - National Volunteer Week - April 16-22, 2023
City of Grande Prairie and County of Grande Prairie Joint Proclamation - National Volunteer Week - April 16-22, 2023

Thank you to everyone who celebrated National Volunteer Week.