Support the Girls

Support the Girls nominates their board member Jodie Boyne for NVW Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘We would like to thank Jodie Boyne for several reasons. All that she does, she does with integrity, honesty and grace. She is always one of the first people to raise her hand when we need something done, or to run and grab something. As she is our main financial board member, she gives detailed numbers and is specific in costs. This takes extra time and allows all the board members a good view of our financial position and how we may help our community. As she also volunteers for her children’s sports, has a full-time job, and is active in her & husbands’ personal business, Jodie is extremely busy lady. She is organized in all areas and never seems to drop the ball. She is dedicated to anything she says yes to and completes the task to perfection. When dealing with complex or sensitive situations, she brings the idea forward with ease and grace and is open to anyone and everyone’s ideas. She is a valuable committee member, Thank you Jodie.’