(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Jesseca Gagnon nominated by Grande Prairie Family Education Society

Jesseca Gagnon nominated by Grande Prairie Family Education Society

Jesseca Gagnon nominated by Grande Prairie Family Education Society

Grande Prairie Family Education Society nominates Jesseca Gagnon for Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Jesseca is a volunteer group facilitator for Rainbows Canada- this peer support 12-week Program helps children come together when dealing with grief and loss with peers of their own age, have a safe space to discuss their feelings, and work their way through their grief, towards hope for a new beginning. Rainbows is for children aged 3yrs- 18yrs of age. Jesseca is a calm, reliable, and empathetic facilitator who is always willing to be available to the children.’