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Keri Price nominated by Elders Caring Shelter Society

Keri Price nominated by Elders Caring Shelter Society

Keri Price nominated by Elders Caring Shelter Society

Elders Caring Shelter Society nominates Keri Price for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Keri volunteers every year (for the past 5 years) to take the Elders on a 4-day youth and elder retreat. Keri also helps us with fundraising events. She is always willing to help us with anything we need, no matter how big or small. When Keri was 6 years old and lived in Sexsmith, she sold freezies on her front lawn in the hot sun all one Sunday, and proudly brought over $21.17 to the Elders Caring Shelter and presented it to the residents of the Shelter. She was so happy because she even sold some freezies to the policemen in the police car and they went back twice. She sold them for 10 cents each. She was so sweet that we kept her on as a volunteer for all of these years. She is now 20 years old, and her Grandmother lives here.’