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Khris Weeks nominated by Tinseltown Winter Market

Khris Weeks nominated by Tinseltown Winter Market

Khris Weeks nominated by Tinseltown Winter Market

Tinseltown Winter Market nominates Khris Weeks for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘We are nominating Khris Weeks for her countless hours, outstanding hard work and dedication as our Silent Auction Coordinator for Tinseltown Winter Market 2023.
Khris has been an invaluable asset to our team, consistently going above and beyond in her role. Her commitment to excellence and tireless efforts have significantly contributed to the success of the Tinseltown Winter Market.
Khris has demonstrated exceptional organizational skills with her meticulous planning and attention to detail ensuring the smooth execution of the silent auction. Her ability to think outside the box significantly elevated the fundraising potential of the auction with her creative ideas. Her dedication to her role went beyond the call of duty. She invested countless hours, often working late into the night, to ensure that every aspect of the auction was to be flawlessly executed. Her unwavering commitment was a driving force behind the event’s success, raising $7300 for the Compassion House Foundation this year. She demonstrated exceptional communication and collaboration skills, working seamlessly with volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders. Her ability to build positive relationships and foster a collaborative spirit was instrumental in creating a cohesive team dedicated to a common goal. Under Khris’ leadership, the silent auction achieved unprecedented success in terms of fundraising. Her strategic thinking, coupled with her ability to engage and inspire others, played a pivotal role in maximizing the funds raised for our organization.
Khris Weeks is not just a volunteer; she is a dedicated, passionate, and results-driven individual whose contributions have left an indelible mark on our event. We wholeheartedly believe that she is deserving of the Volunteer Award and that her exemplary service sets a high standard for others to aspire to.’