(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Phoenix Spears nominated by Grande Prairie and District Grief Support Association (Camp Heal A Heart)

Phoenix Spears nominated by Grande Prairie and District Grief Support Association (Camp Heal A Heart)

Phoenix Spears nominated by Grande Prairie and District Grief Support Association (Camp Heal A Heart)

Grande Prairie and District Grief Support Association (Camp Heal A Heart) nominates Phoenix Spears for Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Week! They wrote ‘Phoenix has been with camp Heal a heart for 10+ years and has volunteered each year after he attended as a kid, we are honored to have such a dedicated individual that puts the kids first and speaks from the heart. He is very passionate about helping people especially when it comes to kids who are dealing with similar situations such as his, he inspires the kids that even through the face of adversity there is hope and he is walking testament to that.’