(780) 538-2727 | info@volunteergrandeprairie.com

Tim Hortons Volunteers of the Month Winners

June 2024 Volunteer of the Month

June 2024 Volunteer of the Month

The Winner of June’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Edward Sizer! Edward was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Elders Caring Shelter Society. They wrote ‘This individual is a great helper at the Elders Caring Shelter. He volunteers profusely with the Shelter to help with fundraising, yard work, and anything else we ask him to do. He also helps the community by going over to “Helping Hands” and helping them with sorting items and packaging for their clients.’

Congratulations Edward!!

May 2024 Volunteer of the Month - Davina Dawson

May 2024 Volunteer of the Month

The Winner of May’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Davina Dawson! Davina was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Grande Prairie and District Grief Support Association (Camp Heal A Heart). They wrote ‘Davina had Volunteered for camp last year and will be doing it again this year, I want to show our appreciation towards her this year. She has a vast knowledge base on mental health and education, it was an asset when she was interacting with the kids. She is authentically herself and her self awareness brought confidence to the campers and they got to “live out loud” without the fear of being rejected.’

Congratulations Davina!!

April 2024 Volunteer of the Month - Bob Almond

April 2024 Volunteer of the Month

The Winner of April’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Bob Almond! Bob was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Meals On Wheels. They wrote ‘Bob has been volunteering for us for years, he is active in and deeply committed to making our community a better place. We know we can depend on Bob. Many thanks for being there!’

Congratulations Bob!!

March 2024 Volunteer of the Month

March 2024 Volunteer of the Month

The Winner of March’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Gurmeet Singh! Gurmeet was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by the Grande Prairie Friendship Centre. They wrote ‘Gurmeet is a new volunteer for us but has had some experience serving similar populations that we do when he signed up. We were short staffed this week, so I asked Gurmeet if he’d be willing to fill in and he agreed without hesitation. When we’re short staffed, the work can become overwhelming quickly, so we are so appreciative of his experience and willingness to help out. Gurmeet already knew some of our clients and that helped him hit the ground running with little instruction, we couldn’t have asked for a better person to help out!’

Congratulations Gurmeet!!

February 2024 Volunteer of the Month - Danny Smith

February 2024 Volunteer of the Month

The Winner of February’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Danny Smith!

Danny was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by The Grande Prairie Friendship Centre. They wrote ‘Danny has been volunteering multiple days per week, and sometimes more than once a day since he started volunteering with us in the Community Kitchen. Danny is very positive, and the staff love seeing him come in because they know he’ll take as much of the load as he’s able. Danny has been the ideal volunteer and continues to make a difference in the lives of our staff and clients, and we’re so excited to get to nominate him for Volunteers of the Week!’

Congratulations Danny!!

December 2023 Volunteer of the Month Khris Weeks

December 2023 Volunteer of the Month

The winner of December’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Khris Weeks! Khris was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Tinseltown Winter Market! They wrote ‘Khris has been an invaluable asset to our team, consistently going above and beyond in her role. Her commitment to excellence and tireless efforts have significantly contributed to the success of the Tinseltown Winter Market. Khris has demonstrated exceptional organizational skills with her meticulous planning and attention to detail ensuring the smooth execution of the silent auction. Her ability to think outside the box significantly elevated the fundraising potential of the auction with her creative ideas. Her dedication to her role went beyond the call of duty. She invested countless hours, often working late into the night, to ensure that every aspect of the auction was to be flawlessly executed. Her unwavering commitment was a driving force behind the event’s success, raising $7300 for the Compassion House Foundation this year. She demonstrated exceptional communication and collaboration skills, working seamlessly with volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders. Her ability to build positive relationships and foster a collaborative spirit was instrumental in creating a cohesive team dedicated to a common goal. Under Khris’ leadership, the silent auction achieved unprecedented success in terms of fundraising. Her strategic thinking, coupled with her ability to engage and inspire others, played a pivotal role in maximizing the funds raised for our organization. Khris Weeks is not just a volunteer; she is a dedicated, passionate, and results-driven individual whose contributions have left an indelible mark on our event. We wholeheartedly believe that she is deserving of the Volunteer Award and that her exemplary service sets a high standard for others to aspire too.’

Congratulations Khris!

November 2023 Volunteer of the Month

November 2023 Volunteer of the Month

The winner of November’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Rhonda Thomson! Rhonda was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Centre for Young Parents!

They wrote ‘Rhonda has been a member of our Board of Directors for many years. As our current Board Chair, Rhonda continually strives to assist the Centre’s staff with her encouragement and knowledge of the non-profit sector. Rhonda worked as the Administration & Grants Manager for the Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta. Rhonda is now off on a new adventure and will be greatly missed by all of us here at the Centre. Thank you for your dedication to our community Rhonda!’

Congratulations Rhonda!

October Volunteer of the Month - Barbara London

October 2023 Volunteer of the Month

The winner of October’s Volunteer of the Month draw is Barbara London!

Barbara was nominated for Volunteers of the Week by Sexsmith FCSS! They wrote ‘Barbara London is a familiar face in the volunteer community of Sexsmith.  Barbara London has recently retired from St. Mary’s School in Sexsmith where she taught and volunteered for many years. Barbara is always volunteering where she is needed.  Barbara sat on the FCSS Board for many years helping the community grow and ensuring events were perfect. We would like to say thank you for all you do for our community.’

Congratulations Barbara!