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Course Content
What is Mental Health?
“Mental health affects every aspect of your life. It’s not just this neat little issue you can put into a box.” - Shannon Purser
Managing Mental Health in the Workplace
About Lesson

“Positive vibes only’ isn’t a thing. Humans have a wide range of emotions and that’s OK.” – Molly Bahr, LMHC

Workplaces can play an essential part in maintaining positive mental health. Yet it can also be a stressful environment that contributes to the rise of mental health problems and illnesses. No workplace is immune from these risks and we cannot afford to limit our definition of occupational health and safety to only the physical.

|  Source: https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English/what-we-do/workplace


It is important for employers and employees to consider the mental health implications of their work daily to ensure effective risk management. 

In order to achieve good mental health in the workplace, employers must learn to monitor their own mental health, in addition to recognizing when others’ mental health may be suffering, so that risks may be mitigated through effective management.

|  Source: https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/psychosocial/mentalhealth_risk.html